Mr. Nazib-uzzaman is currently carrying out his responsibilities as the Chief Operating Officer of Primitek Group, one of the leading conglomerates in the country. He has over 18 year experiences in his professional career. Prior to joining here he worked in many reputed business organizations such as National Polymer, Siemens Dubai, Pran RFL Group, Bengal Group of Industries, Matador Group and so on where he had to play an important role. Mr. Nazib-uzzamn is an engineer by profession who hails from Kushtia district. In personal life he is married and a proud father of a son and two daughters. Very recently on behalf of Reflection News, Mahmudul Haque Khan Dulal took an exclusive interview of Mr. Nazib-uzzaman on various issues and Primitek Group and its business activities as well.. Some excerpts of the interview are given below:
Reflection News: Please say something all about the business activities of Primitek Group.
Md. Nazib-uzzaman:Primitek Group is a 27-year-old leading conglomerate and manufacturing company with over 10 sister concerns. The company operates a multi-product business model, offering a wide range of products and services to customers in a variety of industries. Primitek Group’s product line includes non-woven materials, garments accessories, PVC products, and other products, and the company is known for its commitment to quality and customer service. This group’s reputation has helped in company establish partnership with other business and organization in the industry. Its reputation for quality and reliability has made it an attractive partner for companies looking to grow their business and expand their operations and also its strong relationship with suppliers and customers have made it an important player in the industry.
Sister Concerns of Primitek Group are: Star Non Woven Fabrics & Bags Limited, Zara Non Woven Textile Mills Limited, Padma Spinning & Composite Limited, Star Packaging & Accessories Limited, Fardin Accessories Limited and Confidence Polymer Limited.
Reflection News: What current trend and challenges do you observe in business?
Md. Nazib-uzzaman: The products of plastics has an adequate demands in the country and currently its yearly market size is not less than Tk,.7,200 crore. But in line with the market size our production capacity is lower to some extent. So with a view to mitigate to this, we have decided to establish new industries soon in which huge employment opportunities will be increased. As it is a very challenging business, here I should say we seriously need to have uninterrupted electricity supply in a bid to continue our production. Regarding this we are seeking support and co operation from the concern authorities. Apart from this smooth communication system is also essential for transportation and to operate hassle free business activities.Extortion should at any cost stopped as it hinders our business activities and, in true sense it’s a major impediment in this sector .As this plastic industry has a huge prospects in our country we will be able to earn foreign currencies if wecould avail a congenial atmosphere in businesses arena.
Reflection News: What are your expectations from the interim government in a bid to enhance your business activities?
Md. Nazib-uzzaman: As I told you all about it in your previous question, yet again I reiterate this here and also call upon the government to take necessary measures regarding uninterrupted electricity supply so that we could continue our activities smoothly. It is mentionable that there is an enormous business opportunities of plastic industry here in comparison to other countries, especially in the USA the per capita consumption quantity of plastics is 237 kg for per year and , on the other hand in Bangladesh it is only 3 and a half kg. So there is a huge gap regarding the use of different plastic items. To fulfill this gap the government could increase more investment in this sector and with this end in view the concerned authorities should extend cooperation for infrastructural facilities to the manufacturers to operate their business activities in an easier way. At this alongside Garments Industry and Plastic Industry could play a vital role not only in the country but globally and, in future plastic industry could help a lot to enhance our GDP growth.
Reflection News: In your experience what are some effective strategies that should be taken to further growth of this sector?
Md. Nazib-uzzaman: Although there is a substantial demand of plastic goods in our country but on the contrary it works negatively against the perspective of our environment. Despite this adverse impact of this product we could not do anything or could not lead our daily life without using plastic goods. The present government is also concern about environment. So to avoid environmental pollution we will have to apply alternative way to have a healthy environment or to protect the environment. To this end like foreign countries we should follow 3R recycling System or Waste Management system and in such way we could reuse the industrial waste after following this process. Apart from this we could introduce Green power that means solar power in all industries to mitigate the carbon emission. With a view to control carbon emission rate we have designed our factory. Our government should adopt policies to use green energy which is environment friendly and most economical than diesel power as well. I think this policy should be followed by everyone in a bid to have environment friendly atmosphere an in all industrial zone.
Reflection News: Would you tell us your future business plan and social works as well?
Md. Nazib-uzzaman: As part of our future business plan we are going to set up two large sized unit at Mirersharai of Chattagramwhich are Primitek Plastic Industries Limited and Primitek Packging Limited. The products of these two industries are: Pipes and doors, UPVC pipes, water tank, water pump, household plastic, house hold furniture, sports bottle, sanitary napkins and so on. These two factories are likely to go for production at the end of 2025 in which over ten thousand people will get employment opportunities both directly and indirectly. We have also CSR (Corporate Social Responsibilities) activitiesand we are involved in social welfare activities. We extend support and co operation to the ultra poor, wretched people on different occasion, build mosques and other infrastructure etc as part our welfare activities.